A Letter to the Girl That Was

Dear Younger Self,

Forgive yourself. You are brave and you are smart and I know you don't know what to do with all of these things that have happened and are still happening to you. But you will get through them...all of them, and you will be okay, I promise.

Right now, you are doing what you have to do to survive and you lash out at everything and everyone around you because it's the only way you know how to deal with all of this rage consuming you from the inside out. But the day will come when you won't have to fight anymore. The demons that have overrun your scared little mind will be banished to the furthest corners of the realms.


I won't lie to you, it's going to get worse before it gets better... a lot worse. It's going to hurt like hell and you are going to need to call on strength you don't even yet know you possess. But when that day comes, as hard as it will be to let go of everything you thought was meant for you, know that it will also be the beginning of you finally finding yourself. Grieve for the life that could have been, but then wipe those tears, pick up your shield and let your warrior song deafen the nations.

Someone will come when the time is right; someone very, very special and in the safety of his arms, you will rip your heart open and let every last one of our deepest, darkest secrets bleed out onto him. He won't walk away, he won't judge you, he won't blame you like you've always blamed yourself for as long as you can remember. He will love you fiercely and irrevocably; he will believe in you so deeply that you will learn to believe in yourself. And bit by bit, he will chip away the shame, the anger, the resentment, until there is nothing left but your hauntingly beautiful soul, bared to the world, scarred but healed, all the more breath-taking for its flaws. Wait for that man and walk away from the ones who don't see your worth.

I know right now you believe you are broken beyond repair and that nobody could ever love you; that you are destined to suffer alone, drowning in your pain for the rest of your life but you are wrong, sweet girl. You have so much to offer to this world. Your life is important and you are destined for great things. Remember that when you hurt, remember that when you feel afraid, remember that when the walls start closing in on you again.

Sunshine is coming for your darkness. Stay strong, wild one.


An Older, Wiser You xo

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  1. I totally believe you are destined for great things my love


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