Uterusless Wanderess

I'm not sure what I expected, however, I know it wasn't this. I've waited for anger, grief, bitterness; there is none. A strange peace and acceptance continues to surround me. What a complex and puzzling structure, the human mind can be. How peculiar it is to be just as surprised by one's perception of and response to life events, as everybody else! It has been almost two months now since my womb and I parted ways. I would like to say we parted as friends but that's poppycock—we've been mortal enemies for years, her and I. Utey and I rarely saw eye to eye—embryos were planted in her fields and she rejected them, causing anaemia was her favourite game and as a side hobby, she knitted endometrium into her muscle walls, laughing hysterically, I'm sure, as her handmade-with-hate adenomyosis sweater dropped me to my knees in pain. Yes, my uter-arsehole was a sadist, though I'll never forget her sweet side. For twenty-seven months, out of the 37...