Infertile since 25- the silent epidemic

From such a young age, girls are conditioned by society to believe that their menstrual cycle will be painful. They tell us dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation), menorrhagia (heavy bleeding) and metrorrhagia (irregular cycles) can be perfectly normal, that it's different for each one of us and some are just luckier than others. It's seen as a taboo subject and should we dare to voice our pain or concerns to doctors, we're all too often viewed as exaggerating hypochondriacs with low pain thresholds. Well, on that note, here's a little story about my so called "low pain tolerance". I broke several ribs in 2014 when I was heavily pregnant with my daughter after losing my balance and falling into our marble bench top. I heard a loud crack and dropped to the floor, winded, in crippling pain. My then fiance (now husband), Pete took me to the hospital and when the ER doctor probed my rib cage as she examined me, she informed me I could not p...