Knots, Twists and a Rainbow, Please!


Whoever said, "Blondes have more fun" must never have met a dread head!  Surely nothing is comparable to a kaleidoscope of colours, spattered with glittering beads, upon a canvas of wild, rope-like tresses.

Surely, this is not bias.  No.  Fact it must be—dread heads certainly have more fun!

Hi!  I'm Wonderland Wanderess, by name and by nature, and it is my absolute pleasure to announce my appointment as blogger for Dreadlocks Unlocked.  This is, as the name suggests, a dreadlock salon, and is the brainchild of Styles Highfields owner, Sair.

Sair, a fellow dread head herself, is down to earth, friendly, quirky and authentic; a wonderful human, by all accounts.  It should then come as no surprise that Styles is one of the only local hair salons, catering to dreadlock cliental.


As my first post, I have decided to do a Q & A of frequently asked questions about dreads.  Should you have any questions I may have missed, please feel free to add them in the comments section and I will aim to cover them in a future blog.

Q: Do dreadlocks stink?

A: Not if they are washed regularly (as they should be).
I wash mine weekly with Dreadlocks Unlocked Supasoak shampoo which has a divine peppermint fragrance: RRP $29.95 for 250mL or RRP $80.00 for 1L

Q: Would I need to shave my head if I didn't want dreadlocks anymore?

A: Not necessarily.  Dreadlocks take approximately 12 months to mature.  During this time, they are referred to as baby dreads and can be brushed out quite easily.  

Sair further tested this theory on her last set of dreads in their mature form and discovered that these too, with enough perseverance (and a few days!), could also be brushed out—amazing!

Q: Could I still get hair extensions?

A: Yes!  Dreadlocks Unlocked specialise in both synthetic and human hair extensions.

Q: Can dreadlocks be coloured?

A: Hell to the yeah!  I would even go so far as to say, colour holds better and lasts longer in dreads.  Human dread extensions can also be coloured.

Q: Do dreadlocks attract spiders?

A: No.  This is a myth which has been doing the rumour rounds for decades.

Q: Do I have to get a full head of dreads?  Could I just get, maybe, one or two?

A: Absolutely!  Sair has many clients with a sneaky dread or two, hiding amongst an otherwise sleek and shiny mane.  Be warned though, they are addictive!  Many try, but few succeed, at stopping at just one dread!

Q: Do dreadlocks hurt to install and/or maintain?

A: Yes, to some extent.  I think this depends largely on a person's pain tolerance.  For me, initial installation was quite painful, but maintenance sessions feel more like a scalp acupuncture treatment—LOL—seriously, that's the best way I can describe it!

Q: How often do dreadlocks need to be maintained?

A: I like to have mine done at least every 3 months but there is no set rule and this depends upon a range factors such as, hair type, length, and thickness, the maturity stage of the dread/s, personal preference and whether or not you perform any maintenance at home.  I am far too lazy to do any home maintenance (other than palm rolling after washing) and prefer, for the most part, to leave that to Sair's capable hands.

Q: Are dreads expensive?

A: Initial installation is the most costly and the price range will take into account things like, hair length, thickness and the number of dreads desired.  Be sure to contact Sair for an obligation-free quote, as prices do differ according to these factors.  Initial installation price also includes the first maintenance session.  From there, future maintenance sessions are, in my opinion, reasonably priced, affordable and flexible in terms of time: these sessions are priced on an hourly rate.

Q: Do you regret getting your dreads?

A: Not even close; I love them.  My soul has always been too colourful for mainstream.

That's all for today folks and again, if there's anything I haven't covered but you are interested in knowing, please comment below and if I cannot answer it myself, I will find somebody who can.  Peace! ☮, pub-5896944412523933, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0




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