Dreadlocks Unlocked Products

Welcome back dreadheads, non-dreadheads and soon-to-be dreadheads! Today we are going to be talking about the Dreadlocks Unlocked product range. This range is currently comprised of three products: Supasoak, Oceanise and Dreadlixia. We will talk more in depth about each of these soon but first, I would like to give a little insight into how and why the Dreadlocks Unlocked product range was born.

2020 was a year like no other; it was the year the COVID-19 pandemic hit Australia hard. Cities shut down, the stock market crashed, children were being home-schooled and all non-essential businesses were ordered to close. The majority of these non-essential businesses were small, family-owned enterprises like cafes, beauty parlours, tattoo shops, florists, and, you guessed it, hairdressers.

Many livelihoods were left in tatters and unemployment rates skyrocketed. A necessary component of survival for business owners, in this new world, was the ability to think critically and innovatively. And that is exactly what Dreadlocks Unlocked owner and founder, Sair, did. 

Sair could no longer accommodate clients in her Highfields salon, Styles and it was unclear how long the government imposed restrictions would last. After some brainstorming with regard to an alternative source of income during that time, the idea of her very own product range came about. 

But anybody who knows Sair, knows that the best interests of her customers always comes before profit. This meant this product range had to be different; it had to be special. And thus the company slogan 'Be you on the outside' was formed. 

This would not just be any old product range, it would be a product range with a mission—to help people feel comfortable in their own skin (and hair!); to encourage local production and sales, thus injecting money and job opportunities back into our homeland economy; to create natural & organic products that are simultaneously better for your health and better for your hair. 

Next came time for Sair to put her carefully nurtured range to the test: she provided her clients with samples of the finished products in return for an honest review and feedback. 

The votes were unanimous—these products smelt divine, felt amazing to use, and produced visible results.

When business returned to a somewhat new normal, Sair's customer base expanded and, in the unfortunate event that history repeated, these products would remain available for purchase online at www.dreadlocksunlocked.com 

Since the success of the dreadlocks product range, Sair has now expanded her line to include hair care products for non-dreadheads. This range is called Aura Haircare and is available for purchase at Styles Highfields.


So, without further ado, let's talk Supasoak. This is both a clarifying and moisturising shampoo. It is 100% vegan, made in Australia, cruelty free, made from organic ingredients, and sulphate & paraben free. Along with its sister products, it is further free from ethoxylates, paragons, propylene glycol, petrochemical cleansers, phthalates, DEA, and artificial colours.

In terms of what it does contain, Supasoak includes antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agents, which sooth redness and itching of the scalp, while minimising flaking. Peppermint and menthol, renowned for their natural cleansing and medicinal properties, are also included and these hydrate the hair for a fresh and revitalised feel. 

A 250mL bottle of Supasoak will set you back $29.95, while the 1L bulk bottles have a RRP of $80. If you are like me and dislike storing bulk sized bottles in your shower, simply keep your 250mL bottle once empty and refill from the 1L bottle! Supasoak is available for purchase both online and in-salon at Styles

Most dreads only require washing approximately once a week, so even a small bottle of Supasoak does last quite a while. While some dreadheads prefer to shampoo, rinse and repeat a second time, I have my own routine. I prefer to liberally massage the shampoo into my scalp and through my locks. I then twist and bunch them up on top of my head and squelch them into place while I have the rest of my shower. This results in a lovely, pleasant tingling sensation as the peppermint works its magic. 

Lastly, of course, I thoroughly rinse my locks before squeezing the excess water out of them and twisting them up in a super absorbent 'twisty turban' style hair towel like the one my darling daughter is modelling here:

After around 15-20 minutes in the twisty turban, I give my locks a final squeeze before removing the towel. I then generously spray the Oceanise sea salt spray throughout and allow to air dry. 

Once dry, I separate half of my dreads and tie them in a loose side ponytail while I palm roll the other half. If any locks have started binding together, I rip these apart as I go, tucking each palm rolled dread behind my ear. I then repeat this process on the other side.

We will discuss Oceanise and Dreadlixia more in depth in our next blog. Stay tuned in the coming weeks for more Dreadlocks Unlocked product facts and related tips & tricks. ☮

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