That's a Wrap!

There is no shortage of ways to decorate dreads but today we are going to talk wraps. These are a perfect way to brighten up uncoloured dreads  and play around with funky colours in an easily reversible way. On the other hand, they can also be used to create quirky patterns in coloured locks.

At only $10 each, wraps are great value. This price includes both the string and installation. In terms of how long they last, so far I have had mine in for almost 4 weeks. 

This is the first time I have personally trialled wraps in my own dreads, so I will see how long I can get out of them and then revert back to this space for an update. Those who know me, know I love a challenge and pushing the limits of how long I can get out of dread related products!

Being my first wraps, I admittedly babied the 3 of them for the first couple of weeks—I was petrified of accidentally unwrapping my pretties; however, after they survived their first wash, I became more confident treating them the same as the rest, including firmly twisting them into my daily dread buns. I have only needed to retie the bottom of one so far, which was simple enough for me to do myself at home.

On the subject of dread buns, the criss-cross pattern of the wrapped locks, within the bun, makes a stylish addition to the do. Some days I like to mix it up and pair the wraps with additional beads in my bun for added flair.

Interestingly enough, I was opposed to wraps when I had my temp dreads and still, after installation of my natural baby dreads. I'm not sure what it was; they just didn't appeal to me for some reason. Over time and with seeing photos of various dread clients with them, however, they grew on me and I now think they look fantastic! I guess the moral of the story here is the good old saying: 'Never knock something until you've tried it!'


With plenty of colours to choose from, including blues, pinks, purples, reds, yellows and greens, there is something for everyone, with the combinations and choices limited only by your imagination. So pop on in to Dreadlocks Unlocked  at Styles Highfields and find your rainbow today. 🌈

Quick Facts

★ If you are time-poor, wraps are for you: they take only minutes to install 

★ Bright colours fade fast when washed...but wraps don't!

★ Help straighten out those pesky bumpy dreads by wrapping them!

★ Did you know you can even wrap non-dreaded hair?! (albeit with a slightly different style and technique)

★ Wrapped locks can be washed as normal and are surprisingly resilient

★ Try wraps in temp dreads, dread extensions, coloured dreads, natural dreads, all dreads...

★ If for any reason you don't like them, removal is quick, easy, painless and can be done at home

★ Can't have bright colours at work but want to rock the crazy colours on the weekends? Wrap it up!, pub-5896944412523933, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


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