Oceanise and Dreadlixia

Hot on the heels of the pepperminty goodness of Dreadlocks Unlocked shampoo, Supasoak, comes its delectably scented sister product, Oceanise . This is a light hold spray, made with fine, mineral-rich sea salt. It helps tighten dreads and adds a satisfyingly gritty feel, leaving a matte finish akin to beach air hair. Oceanise has a fun, coconutty fragrance and evokes fond memories of summer sunshine. It is 100% vegan, made in Australia, cruelty-free, and contains organic ingredients. This spray can be used on clean wet or dry hair and can be heat styled post-spritz, or simply left to air dry. My personal preference, is to liberally apply Oceanise to towel dried locks, allow them to dry naturally, then palm roll once completely dry. I find this process results in a grittier finish. A 200mL bottle of Oceanise retails at $25.95 and can be purchased either online at www.dreadlocksunlocked.com or in-salon at Styles , Highfields. The lucky last product for revie...