Oceanise and Dreadlixia


Hot on the heels of the pepperminty goodness of Dreadlocks Unlocked shampoo, Supasoak, comes its delectably scented sister product, Oceanise. This is a light hold spray, made with fine, mineral-rich sea salt. It helps tighten dreads and adds a satisfyingly gritty feel, leaving a matte finish akin to beach air hair.

Oceanise has a fun, coconutty fragrance and evokes fond memories of summer sunshine. It is 100% vegan, made in Australia, cruelty-free, and contains organic ingredients.

This spray can be used on clean wet or dry hair and can be heat styled post-spritz, or simply left to air dry. My personal preference, is to liberally apply Oceanise to towel dried locks, allow them to dry naturally, then palm roll once completely dry. I find this process results in a grittier finish.

A 200mL bottle of Oceanise retails at $25.95 and can be purchased either online at www.dreadlocksunlocked.com or in-salon at Styles, Highfields.

The lucky last product for review is Dreadlixia. This little miracle oil is ethically crafted using mandarin, macadamia, and Abyssinian oil. It is designed to rejuvenate dry locks and split ends, restoring strength and shine. The heavenly scent infused in its wake is a delightful bonus. 

Dreadlixia should be applied sparingly—approximately once per weekmainly to the mid-lengths and ends of the dreadlocks. This is because these sections are comprised of older, often weaker hair. Additionally, the length and proximity of these sections hinders access to the scalp's natural oils. 

One exception to this recommended section rule, however, is coloured locks. I currently have 15 of these; each is lightened, prior to being dyed Peacock Blue every couple of months. The majority of the bright, Crazy Colour range necessitates pre-lightening for optimum effect. This can lead to dry and brittle locks, therefore, applying this oil, on a weekly basis, to the full length of bleached and/or coloured dreads is also recommended. Simply add a few drops to your hands, using the conveniently included dropper, and palm roll into the hair. 

Sneaky Tip:  It takes time for the scalp to adjust to having dreadlocks; I just about clawed mine to shreds some days, so intense was the irritation I experienced. I tried many home remedies includingramping up lock shampoos to every 2-3 days, thoroughly massaging my scalp during washing, rinsing for longer, allowing the shampoo to soak on my scalp longer, shampooing twice each wash, applying an assortment of dreadlock-friendly products aimed at combatting the issuenothing worked. In sheer frustration, I decided to go 'off-label' with my sample bottle of Dreadlixia: I experimentally applied tiny amounts of the oil to the problem areas of my scalp, and the relief was instant! The horrid itching ceased and, over time, I was able to gently lift the flakes of dry skin away with a soft, circular rubbing motion.

This power-packed potion is currently available to purchase in a 30mL bottle for $25.95. As with the rest of the Dreadlocks Unlocked range, it can be purchased online or in-salon.

Now that we've discussed Supasoak, Oceanise and Dreadlixia, are there any particular products you would like to see Dreadlocks Unlocked release next? I'll start the ball rolling: Dread Dust

I look forward to reading your product suggestions; until next time, keep it real, dreadheads, non-dreadheads and soon-to-be dreadheads. ☮

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