Summer Bod Loading.....

I have struggled with my fluctuating weight for as long as I can remember. Shortly before I was diagnosed with paediatric onset bipolar disorder , when I was around 11 years old, I suffered my first severe depressive episode. During this time, I struggled to sleep and eat, and my weight dropped dangerously low. In high school, I went from one extreme to the next- I was bullied and turned to food as a means of comfort. I would come home of an afternoon and gorge myself on any junk food in the house. Throughout my secondary education, my weight was the highest it has ever been and my self esteem lived in the gutter. That weight dropped right off once I had left school and spiralled into drug addiction, which saw me go from a snug size 16, to a size 6, in a matter of months. I didn't start gaining weight again until I fell pregnant with my eldest son, Lachlan who was my salvation in so many ways. From the moment I fo...