Temp Dreads

Temporary dreadlocks, commonly known as "temp dreads", can be synthetic or real hair, depending on the locktee's preference. As with regular hair extensions or dread extensions, real temp locks can be coloured, while synthetic, cannot. Synthetic temp locks are also a great deal heavier after washing and cannot be blow dried (they would melt!). towel drying, then air drying, is required which becomes tedious and time consuming, to say the least! I trialled temp dreads before my "natural" dreads and opted for synthetic to cut costs. If I had my time again, I would definitely invest in the real hair... though hindsight is a wonderful thing and this choice would be rendered redundant; I would likely skip the temp dreads altogether and get straight to commencing the "Baby Dread" journey (baby dreads is the term used for freshly installed dreads in natural hair). ~ I have spent the majority of my life, lusting after dreads —even as a young child, I was...