Temp Dreads


Temporary dreadlocks, commonly known as "temp dreads", can be synthetic or real hair, depending on the locktee's preference.  As with regular hair extensions or dread extensions, real temp locks can be coloured, while synthetic, cannot.  Synthetic temp locks are also a great deal heavier after washing and cannot be blow dried (they would melt!).  towel drying, then air drying, is required which becomes tedious and time consuming, to say the least!

I trialled temp dreads before my "natural" dreads and opted for synthetic to cut costs.  If I had my time again, I would definitely invest in the real hair... though hindsight is a wonderful thing and this choice would be rendered redundant; I would likely skip the temp dreads altogether and get straight to commencing the "Baby Dread" journey (baby dreads is the term used for freshly installed dreads in natural hair).


I have spent the majority of my life, lusting after dreads—even as a young child, I was captivated by their artistic wildness.  But there was a problem: from the age of around 13, I was also obsessed with changing my hair colours and styles at least every 3 months!  In addition to this, I was unaware baby dreads could be brushed out and also unaware that temp dreads even existed!

I first learnt about temp dreads through Sair, around about the same time dreadlocks unlocked was born.  This was the perfect opportunity for me to discover:

a) if dreads would even suit me; and

b) whether I liked them as much on myself as I did on others

My temp dreads took approximately 3 hours to install by way of braiding them into my thick, shoulder length hair.  The braided hair and synthetic lock are then secured together with heavy-duty clear elastic hair bands.  Unlike natural dreads, temp installation is relatively painless.

As with natural dreads, prices do vary according to hair length, thickness, number of temp dreads needed or desired, time taken to install, if the dread head opts for extras, such as beads or wraps, and whether the temp dreads are made out of synthetic or real hair.  

My full head, comprised of a half head of synthetic dreads and a half head of slim, synthetic twist locks, cost around $250 in total. 

So, if you were to contact Sair for an obligation-free temp dread quote, applicable to your own hair, what would that quoted price include?

1. Sourcing and purchasing of the temp dreads, according to discussed colours,        styles and number

2. Installation

3. The heavy-duty clear plastic hair bands; and

4. Ownership of the temp dreads to do as you please with, whether that be re-installation at a later date or something else entirely! (FYI my darling offspring claimed ownership of mine and delight in clipping them in their hair—dread heads in the making, for sure) 


'So, how long do these bad boys last, Sair?'

'6 to 8 weeks,' she responded.

Challenge accepted—I rocked those babies for 3 months!  I loved them and dreaded (pun intended 😏) the thought of parting with my new do.

When I eventually took them out in favour of dreading my natural hair, I was left with quite the funky looking perm for a few days...

In brief, the pros of temp dreads are:

- A good way to trial the dread-head look

- Easy to remove

- Painless installation

- Real hair temp dreads can be coloured and blow dried

- Reusable

And, the Cons:

- Synthetic temp dreads are heavy after washing and cannot be blow dried or coloured

- They are not designed to be permanent (or long-term, unless you enjoy rebellion, as much as I do!)

- Visible bands and braided hair can be frustrating (though these can be cleverly hidden beneath a wide headband, available for purchase from Dreadlocks Unlocked and Styles Highfields- prices range from $10 - $22)

- The bands holding the temp dreads in place are prone to snapping at inconvenient times!

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