In My Eyes: a journey through the years

Written on 17th March, 2018

In My Eyes: a journey through the years

5 years ago you were such a smart baby,
So advanced in milestones, it amazed us daily!
There were many lows but many more highs,
You were perfect, in my eyes.

4 years ago you spoke in language well beyond your years,
But owing to your naughtiness, I shed so many tears.
No matter how dark the nights grew, the sun would always rise,
It was all part of our journey and you were perfect, in my eyes.

3 years ago, your IQ rapidly grew,
You'd go far in life, this we all knew.
Why such poor behaviour, you were evidently wise,
Despite my exhaustion, you were perfect, in my eyes.

2 years ago I thought, "I'm not sure I can do this any more..."
"This kid is so smart, it has to be my parenting that's poor."
Through the tears, the heartache and all the tough stuff,
I loved you so much but was that really enough?!

1 year ago we learnt you have ADHD,
Finally, I knew that it wasn't just me.
You are gifted, you are special and worth all the sobs and sighs,
Never forget for a second that you are perfect in my eyes.

All rights reserved © 2018 Carla Wormington, Wonderland Wanderess

Dedicated to every mother and father of a special needs child 💚, pub-5896944412523933, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


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